嘿 Stranger...
We started off as strangers and became acquainted; we grew distant after becoming friends; and eventually, we became strangers all over again… Will we ever make the first move to talk to a stranger? Is there a way to make this initiative less awkward and somewhat subtle?
我们从陌生开始变得熟悉,从熟悉渐渐变回陌生,然后再从陌生重新开始…… 我们会主动和陌路上的人说句话吗?不管是否曾相识。有没有可能将这份主动意识变得不那么尴尬?
Morning inspiration: if we were to produce coasters to complement November’s postcard... how would you use them? Who would you send them to? Let us know!
今早有个新的想法:如果我们配合11月的明信片,制作一套杯垫…… 你会怎么用它?会将它送给谁?说来听听!