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Road less travelled 少走的途径......

The locals claimed there are more than 250 hotels on Mt. Mogan; perhaps this was why we decided to venture somewhere further ...... take the road less travelled and pick up signs along the way!

We arrived at Biwu Xiantan Village by accident, not knowing what to expect. When we saw the house-up-the-hill, we knew we had to take a closer look! For many years, Mogan Institute has been a private holiday-home to an art collector who recently opened its doors (as a hotel). Such a random and delightful discovery, lucky us!

听当地的人说莫干山上有250多家酒店,于是我们决定去一个稍微偏远的地方…… 少走的途径,用心灵感应!


We stood on the rooftop watching Mt. Mogan from afar, so distant yet so close to heart...... and every little corner here, made us believe that Life~ can stay truly simple.

在屋顶上望着莫干山,那么遥远却又这么亲近…… 而书院里的每一个小角落,一而再再而三地令我们相信生活~ 真的可以如此简单。

PS: If you ever visit and run into Xiaobai, follow its lead to Rong Hong Diner. A dash of Mogan Yellow Wine to a plate of sautéed tomatoes with eggs adds a local and authentic flavor to this widely loved dish in China.


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+ 冬季 WINTER +

嘿 Stranger...

Wish... you were here 希望…有你

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+ 春季 SPRING +

from 上海 with love

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慢慢 · 快活 swingmyswinghigh


+ 秋季 AUTUMN +

狂奔向你 drawn to you

( _____________ )

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